◆ CDC Yellow Fever, What you need to know?
◆ CDC Div. of Vector-Borne ID : Yellow Fever
◆ CDC Yellow Book : Yellow Fever : http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/yellowBookCh4-YellowFever.aspx
◆ CDC MMWR Recommendations and Reports November
8, 2002 / 51(RR17);1-10
Yellow Fever Vaccine Recommendations of the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP), 2002
http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5117a1.htm 和訳(by 成田空港検疫所)
黄熱ワクチン 添付文書(PDF) http://database.japic.or.jp/pdf/newPINS/00054328.pdf
添付文書のテキスト yfvac-00054328.txt
英文 添付文書 http://www.druglib.com/druginfo/yf-vax/
の No.4-8
4. What places constitute risk areas?
Places that have bushes and rivers where
the virus and its reservoir occur naturally
are identified as risk areas.
In Brazil, these areas include all the states
of the Northern Midwestern regions and, besides
Maranhao and Minas Gerais,
the regions southwest of Piaui, west of Bahia,
west of Parana, west of Santa Catarina, northwest
of Rio Grande do Sul and northwest of Sao
Northern Midwestern regions 全域, Maranhao 全域,
Minas Gerais 全域,
次の地域:Piaui南西部, Bahia西部, Parana西部,
Santa Catarina西部, Rio Grande do Sul 北西部,
Sao Paulo北西部.
5. What time of year is the disease most
commonly transmitted?
Studies have shown that the disease occurs
at a higher frequency in the months from
January to April. This is the rainy season
when the mosquito population increases, allowing
a higher circulation of the virus.
7. How long does it take for the disease
to become apparent?
Three to six days after having been bitten
by an infected mosquito.
8. What are the symptoms of the disease?
The most common symptoms are: high fever
and chills, malaise, vomiting, body aches,
yellow-tinged skin and eyes, bleeding, dark
("coffee grind") stools, and a
decrease in urination.